Propose or Affiliate an Event

Spectrum wants to respond to emerging needs in our community. As part of that process, we seek community input on what events and initiatives we should pursue. You can propose an event that you want the Spectrum team to consider and let us know what level of engagement you envision for yourself – that means, just because you propose an event does not mean you have to create it yourself!

We are also interested in affiliating with existing events. If you would like to affiliate an event with Spectrum, we would appreciate the opportunity to help advertise that event and amplify the work you are doing to build full engagement in our community.

We know that there will be challenges on the way to full engagement. A tool we hope our community will access to meet these challenges are facilitated conversations with a neutral intermediary. We suggest the University Ombuds Office as a first stop for this kind of support, but we are also happy to hear from you via the “Propose an Event” form if you would like assistance pursuing a facilitated conversation to address a conflict or concern.

Click the button above if you want to propose an event, project, or other initiative to the Spectrum team. This is also the right place to request a facilitated conversation.

Click the button above if you want to affiliate an existing event, project, organization, or other initiative with Spectrum. We are excited to partner with you!